Saturday, May 27, 2006

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Most of us who are inclined towards rock, are familiar with Nirvana. And once you know Nirvana, it goes without saying that you know "Smells like teen spirit", their most famous song till date.
I had never seen the video, but when I saw it, it was completely different from what I expected. And I have no words to describe it. Please note that thisnt an expression of disgust nor appreciation, just amazement.
Check it out and see for yourself.



oh yah. thats hot alright..


AC here. yeah i know its a great vid. compliments the band. (band stoned, crowd stoned)

Joe C

That is an awesome video, for sure. Nirvana will always be a mainstay in my CD player, and Kurt Cobain is missed greatly in my circle of friends.

It's interesting to see how music progressed since his death, even moreso since "You Know You're Right" sounds like stuff that's just coming out, and he recorded it way back when.

It makes you wonder: Did music take that long to evolve, or was that song ahead of it's time?

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